Coming here I was rested up, covered with prayer and ready to get to work. For Jesus. But God has other work he was doing. I have always had a servant heart, more of a Martha than a Mary. Teaching Bible study to a group of rescued women and girls who already love Jesus so much brought me face to face with my biggest fears.
Inadequate. Unwanted. Not enough. Not having the right words at the right time. Feelings of uselessness flooded me. God, why am I here? I came to be a blessing and these women are serving me and blessing me Way more than I feel I am making a difference to them.
As the days went by, and as trust was being built, and as we dug into scripture, they started to share. Stories came out of shame, of the depth of evil humans can do to one another, and of God’s redemptive love. How Jesus’s love changed each life. Praise you Jesus for your power to change lives and set people free!
As we studied John 13 and then washed their feet and prayed over them, my heart was so full of joy! These precious women are so dear to God! No person is an accident. No person is a mistake. God makes us all unique and has given us each unique gifting. I don’t have to be anyone but me. Jesus in me is enough! They washed my feet and prayed over me too and I do believe the angels were rejoicing! Such a precious time of fellowship!

I am coming home exhausted, emotionally drained but with my cup overflowing with praise! Praise you Jesus that you are enough! You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can ask or imagine! I pray, Lord, that you protect this academy and BTC here to continue to do your redemptive work. Jesus, please protect and provide for each and every precious life here. I ask in your name amen.
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