One of our missions partners operates in a country where the government is increasingly unfriendly toward Christianity. Because of this, we need to be intentionally vague in our online communication. We are not in danger, but we could do damage to the ministry here if we aren't careful.
The partner we are serving is involved in rescuing adults and children who have

been trapped in the sex-slavery industry. They operate centers for men and women to help them heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. They have a school for children who have been effected as well.
We arrived in country late Sunday night and got right to work Monday. Our primary purpose on this trip is to help our brothers and sisters to develop good Bible study techniques. We are offering the classes for women and the men in the recovery centers as well as to the children at the school. Secondarily, we are helping with good ole-fashioned labor on their farm and in their vocational center. It's a great mix of discipleship first and help second.

Please pray for the teams health and stamina as we deal with high heat and low air quality.
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