Saturday, June 29, 2019

Uganda 2019: Sue's View

In January of last year (2018) I was in Uganda with Lisa DeCourcey. We spent a day in Kampala with 6 women from the church getting to know them, their daily patterns and how they do church. 

We studied the Bible together and Lisa and I introduced the model of ‘Life Transformation Groups’ (LTG).
Briefly, an LTG is a group of 2-3 believers who commit to meet weekly. During the week they all read the same bible passage daily and pray for specific people to be saved. At the meetings they pray, worship, confess their failures and share their struggles. 

We also travelled to rural Busia and spent 2 days with another precious group of ladies from scattered churches doing the same model. Just hearing what these women accomplish to keep food on the table and how much time they spend daily in prayer and bible study humbled me. My quiet time seemed paltry in comparison.  I felt totally unqualified to be offering advice. I remember saying to Lisa “If this sticks it’s nothing but the Holy Spirit’s doing”.

So returning in January this year why was I bowled over that it had taken over and multiplied?? Their groups were large... like our small groups... but people were getting saved and the churches were growing and lives were being transformed. I challenged the women’s leader (Grace) to make the groups smaller... loving accountability and deep sharing is hard for large groups. 

So this trip I spent time with individual groups (cell groups) in Kampala and Busia villages. 

My best day this trip? Aunt Betty’s cell group. 

We arrived late as the sun set and sat outside with the goats and chickens. The slum area in Kampala was
sacred ground. It was a group of 10... some had to leave earlier so it was about half of the regular crowd. There was a lady from another church, a man and a woman who had given birth only yesterday. After the Bible study I heard how AS WELL AS meeting as a group, they meet as 2-3 for sharing and praying. They decided to fast and pray as a group for their community for 15 days. A marriage was restored (she delivered the baby to prove it!!). School fees were provided. A son’s failing grades at university turned into good grades and graduating well. The man in the group stopped drinking and womanizing and became a believer. The local witch doctor who owned a drinking bar and shrine turned his space into a rental room so now the community is rid of such things. Sick children healed, kids stayed in school, and a phone was acquired... which she uses to call for prayers at 2am and to rally support!Truly the Holy Spirit is moving. 

My second favorite day... praying for individual women with Casey and Miriam after the women’s health

My privilege... to see each team members’ obedience to GO grow their faith and love. Uganda changes you and makes it real. 

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