Monday, June 24, 2019

Uganda June 2019: Michelle's View

Michelle's View:

I want to start off by thanking God, my family, church family and friends for making this opportunity possible to serve those in Uganda and grow in my spiritual journey. Our trip just started but it is already a blessing.

We started out today with a team devotional and after breakfast we went to Ray of Hope, a local orphanage/school that has about 280 children. There we were welcomed by the most warm and loving people. First, they danced and sang for us and it was just beautiful. Then we did an eye glasses clinic and gave out many reading glasses. Now hopefully their Bibles will be easier to read. Afterward, we shared some scripture and talked to the young women in one of the classrooms. God showed up! He always does. Later, we painted the nails of girls of all ages. We were able to meet a lot of new friends. This was a fun experience. I was able to share some personal stories and hear theirs. In the afternoon, we visited with the children and made paper airplanes. They were flying all over!

At the end of the day, my new friend Patricia gave me a gift. It's a dress that she made herself. Not
only is it beautiful but it is mind blowing how giving and selfless they all are. It was such a wonderful experience to see them take care of each other and take us in too. They only have love to offer. They have the biggest smiles and sweetest hearts. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for all of you, special greeting to Casey Harrison a good friend of me!
